Fall Is a Good Time for a Facelift

The end of October is a scary time with goblins and ghouls traipsing all about Grand Rapids. So, when you open the door for these little devils, is your facial skin giving them a scare?

The march of time, coupled with our harsh Michigan winters isn’t kind to anyone, and it can be especially obvious on our faces. Declining collagen production and sun damage leads to flattened, sagging cheeks; the appearance of deep creases and lines, and the development of jowls where our profile was once lean and chiseled.

Those sound like the perfect issues for a facelift with our expert surgical team at Elite Plastic Surgery.

Popular for a long time

Facelifts have long been a staple of cosmetic surgery because, let’s face it, who likes to look older? The first recorded facelift was performed in Berlin in 1901. Early facelifts, however, were dramatically different than what we can do today. Facelifts up until just a couple decades ago usually addressed the skin, often creating a pulled, tight, unnatural-looking final result.

Today, the Elite team uses a variety of different facelift methods for rejuvenating the faces of our patients. The goal now is usually to elevate the underlying musculature system more than the skin. By bringing the support muscles and tissue back up to their younger positions, this gives the patient a vastly younger look, but it does so with a completely natural-looking end result.

Types of facelifts

Where most patients used to receive traditional, full facelifts, today that isn’t the case. Variations and techniques have expanded dramatically, and our team matches your needs with their methods. As a general rule, surgical facelifts differ by the type of incision, number of tissue layers treated, the areas of the face targeted, and the degree of invasiveness. Basically, these procedures fall into two main categories:

  • Mini facelifts— These include MACS, short scar, S-Shape, and mid-face lifts.
  • Full facelifts— These include SMAS, deep plane, open, and traditional methods.

Mini facelifts utilize minimal, small incisions. These lifts generally target the appearance of smile lines, jowls, and loose skin, but their overall goals are less dramatic than with a full facelift.

Full facelifts reposition, tighten and secure the facial tissue into a lifted position. Fat may be removed or simply repositioned. Full facelifts require much longer incisions, but they deliver more wide-ranging results.

Fall is a great time to have a facelift with the team at Elite Plastic Surgery. That way you’ll have the winter to heal and will look awesome come spring. Call us at (616) 459-1907 to schedule a consultation.

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