Plastic surgery has been around for decades, and it is constantly evolving. With technological advancements, non-invasive cosmetic procedures are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to surgery. Non-invasive procedures, such […]
Archive | Non-Surgical Treatments
CoolMini from CoolSculpting Targets Your Jowls
As we age and our skin becomes less taut and the muscles beneath lose some of their strength, we develop saggy areas. This is how we develop that unwanted pooch […]
The Vi Peel
During this past year we’ve all been on one too many Zoom meetings and FaceTime calls, and that’s given us all a good look at our own visage right there […]
Using Fractions to Get Better Skin
OK, so maybe fractions weren’t your favorite part of math when you were in school. But as an adult, your skin loves fractions — fractionated non-ablative laser treatments, that is! […]
Collagen Induction Therapy Has a Secret Identity
Collagen Induction Therapy sounds sort of mysterious. OK, it’s really just another term for microneedling. At Elite, we use microneedling to improve the appearance of fine lines, acne scars. Microneedling […]
Make Your Makeup Permanent
Dermapigmentation, cosmetic tattooing, micropigmentation…or permanent makeup. Whatever your term, at Elite we offer to put an end to the daily tedium of applying eyeliner or lip liner through applying permanent […]