Weak Chins and Loose Necks

face procedureWeak chins. It’s not right that some people, through no fault of their own, simply have weak chins. We can’t all be Kirk Douglas, but a little definition there would be helpful.

And our sagging neck skin. Ugh. Since the neck muscles and skin don’t have a bone under them to at least lie on, our necks can be the first area to really start sagging and showing its age. Gravity really has its way with our necks.

The Elite team can help with our jowl-y chin and hanging neck with a neck lift and chin augmentation.

What are the benefits of a neck lift and chin augmentation?

Our plastic surgeons can tighten up your neck and give your chin the definition you wish you were born with! Here’s what you can expect from these procedures:

  • Improves chin projection and shape
  • Removes folds of skin and fat
  • Reduces excess skin, fat, and muscle banding on the neck
  • Enhances the angle between the horizontal and vertical parts of the neck
  • Improves body proportions
  • Reduces facial jowls and cheek hollowness
  • Eliminates the dreaded turkey “wattle”

Different techniques

The most common technique involves making incisions around the bottom of the ears, extending into the hairline. This is a standard neck lift. The skin and muscle tissue is then lifted upward and outward in the neck and lower cheeks. Excess skin is removed.

A simpler technique that we often use for the very elderly or those who have premature coarseness of their neck skin is to remove the excess skin and fat without repositioning it. This method leaves a vertical scar down the center of the neck.

Patients with more excess fat, but good skin tone, usually have a double chin (think Chris Christie). In these cases, we may use liposuction alone. Scars from this method are virtually invisible.

Neck banding can be repaired by removing the muscle bands or repositioning them.

When chin augmentation is included, either the bone is repositioned or a silicone implant is placed. Repositioning of the patient’s jawbone provides the more dramatic correction. When placing an implant, the incision is made either under the chin or inside the lower lip. Augmentation can also be done with dermal fillers such as Radiesse, which lasts around one year before needing a new injection.

Interested in tightening up your neck and defining your chin? The expert surgeons at Elite can help with that. Call us at 616-459-1907 to schedule a consultation.

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