While the growth of breast tissue enlargement can be alarming for men, it doesn’t always mean breast cancer. Technically known as Gynecomastia, male breast tissue becomes swollen and noticeably pronounced. Many […]
Archive | Male Breast reduction
Don’t Let Your Enlarged Male Breasts See Another Summer
January 15, 2021
Most of us have a male friend with larger than normal breasts, kind of like Chris Farley back in the day. You may have been boating with friends and heard […]
Doing Something About “Man Boobs”
August 15, 2019
If you’ve been over at Sleeping Bear Dunes or out on a boat waterskiing, it’s not unusual to hear a guy referred to as having “man boobs.” Most people assume […]
Is Male Breast Reduction Dependent on Age?
October 15, 2017
While female breast reduction is not uncommon, many men with enlarged breasts don’t even know they too can have surgery to correct the problem. Often men simply think they may […]
Male Breast Reduction
January 15, 2016
You’ve heard the term “man boobs” and thought it only applies to men who are overweight and, like women, have larger breasts because of the added weight. In actuality, about […]