Breast Reconstruction

sexy young woman model in sexy dressStatistics show that many women with breast cancer are opting to have a mastectomy instead of a lumpectomy followed by radiation therapy. Whatever the reasons, be it the fear of the cancer returning if the breast isn’t completely removed or desire to avoid radiation therapy, the reality is that following mastectomy the patient will need to decide whether she wants to have breast reconstruction surgery to replace the removed breast.

Our board-certified plastic surgeons have extensive experience with these procedures at Elite Plastic Surgery, helping patients feel whole again.

Let’s take these two waiting-for-spring blogs to detail more about breast reconstruction at Elite.

What are the benefits of breast reconstruction?

There is no right or wrong reason for wanting to have breast reconstruction. Many women feel incomplete when missing one or both breasts after mastectomy. The scar that faces them every morning getting out of the shower is a reminder of what breast cancer took from them. It can impact the self-esteem and body image to the point where the woman avoids sex or other intimate situations. She may stop going to the beach or stop even wearing a swimsuit.

The benefits of breast reconstruction with our team at Elite Plastic Surgery are personal, but here are some of the pluses our patients detail during their consultations.

  • The woman seeks balance when wearing a bra or swimsuit.
  • She doesn’t feel whole missing a breast.
  • She doesn’t have any interest in using breast forms worn inside a bra.
  • She wants to feel good about her body and herself.

Who is a candidate for breast reconstruction surgery?

The decision whether to have reconstruction surgery needs to be made long before your mastectomy. That way your Elite surgeon can work together with your cancer/plastic surgeon to achieve the best outcome for you. Some women don’t like the prospect of having another surgery, and instead opt to wear external breast forms. But for others, this surgery is the first step down the road to full recovery.

These are reasons you may want to consider breast reconstruction with our Elite Plastic Surgery team:

  • If you feel reconstruction will make you feel whole again
  • If you feel reconstruction will give you back some confidence
  • If you feel reconstruction will make you feel more feminine again
  • If you worry about symmetry if only one of your breasts is affected
  • If you don’t want to be limited in wearing certain necklines or swimwear that you enjoy

In March’s second blog, we’ll get into techniques our board-certified plastic surgeons use for our breast reconstruction procedure at Elite. In the meantime, if you need to schedule a consultation, please call us at (616) 459-1907.

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