Sagging Brows Give the Wrong Impression

Young woman touching her faceOur brows don’t have it easy. Gravity, sun damage, repeated facial expressions, and the natural slackening of skin and support tissues all gang up to make our brows droop and sag. This makes us look older and can give the impression we’re either angry or tired all the time. 

A brow lift with our board-certified plastic surgeons at Elite can bring the brows back up, giving you an alert, younger, happier countenance. 

Who is right for a brow lift? 

There is a genetic predisposition for some people to develop saggy brows. But general aging can be equally to blame. Most of our brow lift patients are between the ages of 40 and 60 and feature lined or inelastic skin on their foreheads. 

If you’d like to see a simple example of how a brow lift will affect your forehead area, do this test. Stand in front of the mirror and place the palms of your hands to the sides of your eyes above the eyebrows. Now pull the skin back from the eyes. This raising of the forehead is what the brow lift will do. 

Two techniques to fit your situation 

Our Elite surgeons perform brow lifts with two techniques: the traditional brow lift or the endoscopic brow lift. The endoscopic method is the preferred option, but sometimes it doesn’t allow for the degree of correction necessary. Your surgeon will discuss what he feels will work best for you during your consultation.  

Traditional brow lift — This method uses a coronal incision that stretches from just above the ear across the top of the forehead and down to the other ear. The incision is made within the hairline but may be placed further back to minimize visibility in patients with thinning hair. Next, the forehead skin is lifted, tissue removed, muscles adjusted, and the eyebrows may be lifted. Excess skin is trimmed, and the incision is closed with stitches or clips. 

Endoscopic brow lift — In this method, our surgeons make from three to five short incisions, each less than one inch, behind the hairline. An endoscope is inserted into one of the incisions. The endoscope enables your surgeon to see beneath the skin without making the long incision of the traditional method. Through the other incisions the skin is lifted, excess tissue removed, and the muscles adjusted as needed. 

With both methods, there will be numbness and discomfort at the incision sites. Numbness will give way to itching as the forehead heals. This usually passes within six months. Obviously, the endoscopic method makes for an easier recovery as compared with the traditional method. 

Tired of your sagging brows? Call the team at Elite, (616) 459-1907, and set up a consultation for a brow lift.

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